Pictured above is clothing advertised by American Apparel. The picture is made to look very natural as though the model is in a "party scene" even holding a beer in her hand.
Fashion will ulimately range for Hipsters from season to season, to keep up with their hip appeal, but there are certain stores now that sell their vintage and funky looks, looks that appear to be thrift-store material, without the "used" factor. American Apparel has become a trademark of the hipster culture, and is the face of the vintage, retro, innovative appeal. Even more interesting is that American Apparel actually now has parts of their website dedicated to the culture of a hipster, without blantantly saying it. A section entitled, "Urban Experiences" which reflects artistic pictures of the urban underground. Pictures that range from scenes along a highway to pictures taken within Las Vegas and random parks. Even the models on their site are average people, almost always looking as though they are depicted in youth party scenes. Another section "Deep Thoughts" depicts short films, that reflect the hipsters interest in independent film. Furthermore the company reflects politics as they openly stand for "Legalizing LA" a movement for immigration. The company essentially mimics the same attitudes as the hipster culture, and in return the hipster culture has openly accepted them as the poster child for their fashion (or perhaps it is the other way around). To get a sense of the company's methodical advertising techniques visit http://www.americanapparel.net/gallery/investors/qt.html .